Monday, February 19, 2018
It, by Stephen King. This book would be perfect for those who are interested in horror fiction, comedy, and thriller. You’ll have this feeling near the last few pages, a feeling that I had when I was barley in the middle of the book; the feeling of not wanting the book to end.
Stephen kings novel IT takes place in the years of 1950s and in the years of the 1980s switching back in forth throughout the book by seeing the perspective of the main characters. During the 1950s children are terrorized by an entity that disguises itself by their fears and phobias of the victims it is preying on, but before it starts feasting on children’s flesh and fear it attracts its prey by taking a form of a clown, Pennywise The Dancing Clown. The main seven children of the book (Bill, Richie, Beverly, Ben, Eddie, Stanley, and Mike) are all encountered by IT and try to find a way kill it. It’s not easy at first, but when they believe they have really killed it they find out the real truth 27 years later in 1985. Throughout the whole book I found it to be very exciting to turn every page, and I hope others out there who read this book feel the same way that I do. My favorite part of this book is reading how all seven children came together and became friends by the school bullies and/or by IT. It gives off a feeling on how most people can feel in reality and also shows what each character’s personality is like and how you can compare & relate yourself to them. It’s really heart touching at some point throughout the book and scary when seeing the characters personalities and their encounters of IT and the bullies.
The main character of this novel is William Denbrough, but goes by the name of stuttering bill by his close friends due to his stutter. Bill is very much like the leader to the group and they also consider him as leader of the group or the losers club is how they call it. Bill is considered as the leader since he is the one who started the “war” with IT since his younger brother George had been killed by IT and since Bill is the bravest from the rest when encountering IT. But for Bill to get over his stutter he has to repeat the saying or tongue twister: “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.” Which is said throughout the whole book.
I really enjoyed reading this book From beginning to end, I loved learning about the characters. Turning each page gave me an excitement to keep turning each page gave me an excitement to keep reading on, to finish the book and to see how long it would actually have taken me to read the entire book. When I turned the last page and read that last word I felt sadness and proud. Sadness because I didn’t wanted it to end just yet and proud because I had completed reading the longest book I have ever read. I never thought I could actually do it, I’ve had some of my classmates at school ask me why bother reading such a big book that would take so long to finish or when my friends asked me why are you reading this book, just to show off? No, I read this book because I LOVE READING. I loved watching the mini series and watching the movie and that by reading this book would be like checking it off my bucket list. That reading this book would give me more information that couldn’t have been given in the movie or the mini series. I really hope when others read this book and complete it they feel proud of themselves that they had made such an accomplishment and feel the same way with any huge book, really. Haven’t you felt the same way? Maybe not with a book maybe with something else, then maybe you know how I feel, I know I’m going to read this book again sometime, but for now I’m going to take a break and display it on my book shelve along with the other books I have completed.
Start: Oct 6th, 2017
Finish: Feb 19th, 2018
Check out this link to learn more about IT the novel, mini series, or movie :
Saturday, February 10, 2018
A freshman to be...
Slice Of life
3 days ago — during school — all 8th grade students met with our counselors to talk about the classes we were suggested for us to take in freshman year. I was so happy and proud of myself that I got great classes. I know most people are afraid, nervous or don’t really care about going to high school, but I’m really excited to attend. I’ve heard awesome fun stories from my sister — which attends the high school I will be going to — and I can’t wait to get my first feel of what it’s like to be attending high school; the clubs, the new friends and teachers, and what it feels to be a freshman. All these thoughts came into my mind once I met with my counselor. Class of 2022, can’t wait!
Countdown until I’m a freshman: 70 Days *and counting down
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Slice of Life - 1 Today is the beginning of March, the 1st of March to exact. Which means IT ALL STARTS NOW! And what I mean by that is t...
Slice of Life - 7 I’ve been dying my hair for 3 years now, ever since the day before the 1st day of 6th grade. I remember that day ...
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