Thursday, December 21, 2017


     The perfect friend would be the person I could go for good advice, who would text everyday just to see what’s up, the perfect friend who would bring me back up when I’m down, the friend who I could talk to about my problems or whine about how some things are struggling for me, the friend who comes over to my house every weekend or a friend who lets me come to their house every weekend. A friend who remember the little things in my life, a friend who’s got my back, the friend who makes the dumbest funniest jokes just to make me laugh and smile everyday. The best friend who would be with me from now on, but also the friend who accepts me for me and for me to be their best buddy.

    The perfect X-mas break, I would love to have my friends over for a hangout and give presents to one another, have a feist and a sleepover so the day would be forever in our memories. I would love to go out on Christmas Day, this year we are planning on hanging out with our cousins on Xmas day and try ice skating and I’m really hoping that we decide to do that. For the Holliday’s I would to be busy on the holidays, but not work busy, I want to be at places where it makes me feel like Xmas and New Years are the best holidays of all time. On New Years I would also like to have a big celebration where everyone I know and love is there and when the clock hits 12:00 we all celebrate with a big fiest and make wishes to happen in the new year. It’ll be the best perfect holiday vacation I will ever have.


  1. Happy Late Holidays! I see you made your blog snazzy! It's cute I like it :3 I hope you had a nice break and everything and every experience you wanted was granted to you :)

    I also hope you find that one best friend that you want to have Good luck!(I thought that first paragraph was cute <3)

  2. Heyyy, thanks for noticing the “little” changes and I hope you had a nice break too, thanks for commenting!


My Butterfly: I Am A Jew

This is the butterfly I created from the poem I Am A Jew by: Franta Bass