Friday, March 16, 2018

๐Ÿ˜Brace Face, Train Tracks, Metal Mouth, whatever you want to call it...

Slice of Life - 16

    When I first got my braces it was on March 24th, 2015 - October 5th, 2016. I know such a long time! I'm glad I got them off, they really, really, helped with straightening my teeth. I don't know if people who have already gotten their braces off, but I kind of miss them. I always complained that I wanted them off already, but when the day come to actually take them off, I was starting to feel like I didn't want them to go. I have so many photos of me with them on, that it actually brings back memories. There were so cons of braces, like the wires poking and cutting the inside of your mouth, the bands, the "spending 6 minutes in the bathroom, brushing your teeth", etc. But braces are more than that. Some of us are even lucky to get braces, I'm very thankful that I got them on and off. P.S. I never got insulted or bullied on by wearing the braces, I only wrote all those insults as my title to get you to read this... I'm joking, I'm joking! I was the one who kinda was calling myself those names! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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My Butterfly: I Am A Jew

This is the butterfly I created from the poem I Am A Jew by: Franta Bass