Wednesday, March 14, 2018

When? When will this stop?

Slice of Life - 14

   Today in school we had an assembly about the Florida shooting on Ferbuary 14th. We supported the innocent who lost their lives by attending the assembly, wearing the color orange to support them, and took a school photo outside of the school in the shape of a heart with the number 17. Students had spoken what they had thought of the situation. Mosley about when the gun violence will stop, especially school shootings. I'm truly sorry for those who had lost their lives and many of us are supporting them by attending the events. Today's national walk out day and even if you didn't walk out its important to still think about the situations about gun violence. Another shooting had taken place in Alabama a couple day ago, Another school shooting! When will this stop? If not now, when?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your comments about this difficult topic!


My Butterfly: I Am A Jew

This is the butterfly I created from the poem I Am A Jew by: Franta Bass